Sunday, June 1, 2008

Man-tionary Word of the Day: N.U.B.S.

N.U.B.S. [nuh-bz] -n. [NO UPPER BODY STRENGTH]

1. girlish upper body strength
2. upper body strength that is equivalent that of a child with low testosterone levels.

Sentence example:
While being mugged, I attempted to deploy a Steven Seagal combo move. Due to my embarrassing N.U.B.S I was unable to succeed and the criminal got away with my masculinity and my discover card.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Here is a random WTF man-tionary word:
Tautological Redundancies - The use of pleonasms results in a superfluity of words, sometimes deliberately, for emphasis; or the unnecessary repetitions resulting from a lack of the realization that such terms are redundant.